Wednesday, 12 January 2022

Ziricote lumber

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Ziricote lumber

Ziricote has a very unique appearance, which is sometimes referred to as “spider-webbing” or “landscape” grain figure. Quartersawn surfaces can also have ray flakes similar in appearance to those found on quartersawn Hard Maple. Ziricote has about the closest grain resemblance to Brazilian Rosewood of any lumber , although the color is darker and lacking the reds and oranges. With its very fine texture and high density, Ziricote will take a satin finish with just sanding.

Ziricote is an exotic wood native to the Central American countries of Belize, Guatemala, and Mexico. The color ranges from reddish brown to dark brown with unusual black streaks. It is a har dense woo with a medium texture. Ziricote is excellent for wood turning and carving, as well as knife handles, furniture, and cabinets.

Ziricote lumber

Ziricote -is the most dramatic member of the Cordia genus, which grows throughout Central and tropical South America. A pleasing ray or fleck figure is visible in quartersawn stock. Its widely used for custom stringed instruments as well as inlay work on small furniture or jewelry boxes. Marbled swirls, cloud bursts, mountains, valleys and other captivating patterns are abstract visions often seen in this rare wood.

What is ziricote wood? Does ziricote wood stain? Can ziricote be glued? Ziricote lumber has a heartwood which has various shades of black. Contains irregular wavy grain, sometimes with a three dimensional appearance.

This wood has the appearance of ebony, with a even more interesting wavy grain pattern. Our Ziricote is imported in log form to our sawmill so that we can control the conversion of the wood. Ziricote is one of the most popular, visually striking exotic woods in the world.

The tree has beautiful orange yellow flowers when in bloom. Renown for its “landscape” or “spiderweb” grain patterns, its colors range from medium to dark shades of brown (occasionally with either a green or purplish tint), and are accentuated by intermingled bands of unpredictable, irregular black growth rings. Ziricote wood has a medium to fine texture and a straight to slightly interlocking grain. It has a tendency to develop end and surface checks during drying, but is stable afterwards.

Good choice, solid material! Did You Check eBay? Fill Your Cart With Color Today! The trouble with this number is that the specific gravity of a wood changes with its moisture content. Ziricote is the most dramatic member of the Cordia genus and stands apart from other exotic woods due to its unique grain lines that frequently depict spider webbing, marbled swirls.

Ziricote Lumber 24. The heartwood is reddish brown with irregular chocolate or black streaks. Some lumber will have occasional very faint hairline checks in black streaks or a minor end check that should be easy to work with or around. Shipping not included in prices. Custom cuts available, minimum $shop fee.

Ziricote lumber

Get the best deals for ziricote lumber at eBay. Ziricote, Cordia dodecandra Color ranges from medium to dark brown, sometimes with either a green or purple hue, with darker bands of black growth rings intermixed. Ziricote is the heaviest wood from the Cordia species, a group that includes more than 2different varieties.

The unique nature of ziricote’s grain has been described as spider webbing by some. Wood form the ziricote is very desirable for fine furniture making. The contrasting dark veins and detailed lines make it striking.

Ziricote lumber

Many local modern furniture makes produce pieces from this wood. The bark of the Ziricote tree.

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