Is hardieplank siding worth the high cost? What type of screws to use on hardieplank? It is very durable and can withstand extreme weather conditions and insects. To cut this type of.
Cutting Station Best Practices. Setting up your cutting station correctly is just as important as selecting the right tools. When cutting fiber-cement siding with circular saw, use a blade that has only four or six teeth.
For a slow, but virtually dustless way to cut siding , use power shears. See below for a shopping list and tools. Free 2-day Shipping On Millions of Items. Autoplay When autoplay is enable a suggested.

The sheet should be removed immediately after each plank is installed. When it comes to cutting these products, the process is the same for both the trim and the siding. I used it several times on my siding job. Use the circle cutter attachment that comes with the tool and you can cut circles all day long. Home Depot refuses to cut it because it ruins their saw blades.
Here are the pros, cons and costs of hardie board siding to see how it looks under scrutiny. Typically billed as a low-maintenance, long-lasting material, does it measure up to its reputation? The Hands On Channel 6views. Rip off Fiber Cement Saw Blade - Duration: 8:58. I have a Hitachi NV65AH siding nailer.
You should cut backside up with the shears because the sheared side facing you will be rougher than the other side. The shears are quiet and clean though, very pleasant cuts, but also more time consuming. I would use galvanized siding nails except for exposed nails which I use stainless steel. Fiber-cement board is cut using three.
The extent and nature of maintenance will depend on the design of your house, its geographic location, the amount of weather and sun exposure, and the landscaping. Hardie siding problems, a. In this video I go over the math for properly measuring length for cutting the board. A grinder can do it to.
General Fiber Cement Siding Maintenance Maintaining the exterior of your home helps prevent water intrusion and is an important part of sustaining the beauty and value of your home. Just got a guillotine for cutting siding to length. A cement shear works also. No dust and nice, clean cuts. Now turn your power drill into a “ Fiber Cement Shear”!
Fast cutting blades are specialized for fiber cement siding only. Telescoping clamp fits large or small drill housing. Thanks for sharing this great article.
I want to say details about LP siding.
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