Essential information regarding safety, electrical theory, tools, and electrical systems is explained using clear and simple language. Specialized installations, such as swimming pools and emergency standby systems, are also addressed. Once this information is mastere you will be prepared to further your knowledge of wiring methods through additional readings and practical experiences. The most common type of wiring in modern homes is in the form of nonmetallic (NM) cable, which consists of two or more individual wires wrapped inside a protective plastic sheathing.

NM cable usually contains one or more “hot” (current-carrying) wires , a neutral wire , and a ground wire. This comprehensive textbook includes the latest information on installation and repair techniques, as well as recent developments in wiringsystems, personal protection equipment, and computer wiring. A daisy-chain wiring pattern runs a single wire or cable from the distribution panel to a series of outlets, like traditional plumbing or electrical service. Modern whole-house installments tend to be home-run type. Residential wiring can be a complete pain, especially when you are trying to figure things out yourself.
A brief review of the principles of electricity is also included. The chapters in the workbook correspond to those in the text and should be completed after reading the appropriate text chapter. Electrical Careers 2. Hand and Power Tools 4. Print Reading, Specifications, and Codes 7. Branch-Circuit, Feeder, and Service Design Installation 8. Most residential service includes three wires: two cables carrying 1volts each (for a total of 2volts) and one grounded neutral wire. If the cables are hung overhea they are collectively called a service drop. If they are routed undergroun they are known as a service lateral.
Available in: Paperback. Modern Residential Wiring Workbook provides exercises to help users learn electrical wiring principles and common Due to COVID-1 orders may be delayed. Thank you for your patience. Each chapter of this workbook reviews the material found in the textbook chapters to enhance your understanding of textbook content.
The various types of questions include matching, true or. The power is run through an electric meter, which records how much energy is used in the home and is the basis for the monthly electric bill. Questions and problems are presented in a variety of styles, such as identification, true or false, multiple choice, fill-in-the-blank, and written answer.
This course provides basic information needed for installing electrical wiring in homes or in light industrial applications. It introduces electrical energy fundamentals, circuit theory and components of wiring systems, device wiring , readin. What are the basic residential wiring circuits?
Can you put the hall plug on the same breaker as the dining room? What size wire do you use for a dryer? How many amps can 12-2-WG take? Ask your trusted residential electrician for advice on what trends they’re seeing in your neighborhood.

NM and NMC conductors are composed of two or more insulated conductors contained in a non-metallic sheath. The home electrical wiring diagrams start from this main plan of an actual home which was recently wired and is in the final stages. Quizlet is a lightning fast way to learn vocabulary.
Since most Insteon-compatible wall switches and dimmers require a neutral wire connection to operate, you need to know if you have one of these in place. A neutral wire is a type of wire in which carries currents back to the source of power and or regular voltage. Essentially, it allows power to return to its original source.
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