Recycled plastic lumber. This double treated Ground Contact lumber must be used for applications where treated lumber is difficult to maintain, repair or replace. It can be stained or painted and is frequently used as fence panels, wood fence posts, framing, wood decking and more.

If there’s one thing BDC is most known for throughout North Carolina, it’s our extremely low-priced first-quality treated lumber. BDC is one of the largest treated lumber retailers in the state, with the largest treated inventory anywhere. What is pressure treated lumber?
PRESSURE TREATED LUMBER Protects wood from rot, decay and insect infestation. We sell wood and pressure treated lumber products to your specifications and in accordance with national and local regulations. Most dimensional pressure treated lumber is treated to. Larger dimensional lumber (2×and above) can be treated to. CCA but only for use in certain commercial construction applications.

Shop Menards for ACpressure treated lumber that prevents decay and termites in a large variety of sizes for all your construction needs. Ideal for a variety of applications including decks, play sets, landscaping, and other outdoor projects where lumber is exposed to the elements. Looking For Lumber ? Check Out Lumber On eBay. We Have Almost Everything On eBay. McCoy’s pressure treated lumber is high quality and treated with an environmentally preferred MCA preservative (Micronized Copper Azole).
In fact, ALL 2xand Greater Dimensional Pine Lumber at McCoy’s is treated for Ground Contact , which means it has almost twice the concentration of chemical preservatives as Above Ground rated lumber. Accent your yard with sturdy wood fencing products,. To ensure a durable bon use an adhesive specifically formulated for treated lumber to help reduce cupping and warping. Treated Boards, Planks and More.
Although pressure - treated wood provides protection against fungal decay and termite attacks, you should still use a clear or semi-transparent water-repellent coating to reduce the effects of natural weathering. With a full line of treated lumber, in a variety of sizes, any outdoor project is possible. For materials, always use pressure - treated lumber , pressure - treated decking or treated deck components for any outdoor project. Then protect it with stains and sealers.
For a low-maintenance decking option choose composite decking. It resists mol mildew and easily cleans up with soap and water. For example, outdoor projects such as fences require pressure - treated wood , also known as green treat. Wood sunken into the ground should have a rating of 0. A renewable resource, marine timbers are less expensive to purchase and install than concrete or vinyl sheet piling, and repairs can be made quickly and efficiently. Built from high-quality treated lumber or easy-maintenance composite material, a well-designed deck will be the focal point of your home for years to come.
Lumber is your destination for deck designs, deck plans, and decking materials from names like Trex, Timbertech, and Azek. The treatment process forces a waterborne preservative deep into the cellular structure of the wood providing long-term protection against rot, fungal decay and termite attack. Pressure-treated wood comes in various pre-cut dimensions. This includes square profiles for use as fence posts and deck supports and rectangular boards for decking.
It’s important to note that when you cut pressure-treated wood , you expose a surface to the air. Chemicals from pressure treatment don’t absorb completely through the lumber. Carter Lumber offers a wide range of pressure treated posts in a variety of treated lumber sizes. For an instant free quote, click here!
This treatment is the effective use of copper combined with an organic quaternary compound and is injected into the wood with pressure. Pressure - treated lumber ($to $per square foot) is a popular and affordable wooden alternative. Your business and projects demand a partner that knows what it takes to get your jobs done. Gray Lumber has worked for over a century as an innovative and progressive supplier of high quality building products for construction to the local Western Washington area, the continental United States, Alaska, Hawaii, and the Pacific Rim.
My name is Doug Fields. We have two locations one in Rochester and one in Henrietta. Call when you arrive and an employee will be out shortly. ACQ is a far better option than CCA as it’s safer and greener.

It’s a water based preservative which can fight against wood infesting organisms and also protect against weathering.
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